Monday, September 30, 2013


I am not one to devalue an education, now having said that, I am going scream... I hate homework! I am sitting at the kitchen table, the frustration building and building, trying to get my child to focus. 

How do teachers do this? Everyday? I think teachers are amazing. I can’t seem to teach my very own offspring the very basics educationally, and I love them. How do they do it when they don’t love them? How do they do it when they don’t even like them? There is no way a teacher likes all of his or her students. Not all of the time anyway. Hell, I don’t always like my own kids. I especially don’t like the one that doesn’t already know how to multiply/divide fractions! 

I raise my head off the table (I was previously banging my head against the table top) and protest, “you are making this harder than it has to be.”

“Don’t yell at me,” he whines. 

“I am not yelling!” At least I think I wasn’t yelling. There is a buzzing in my head and I was trying to be louder than it. 

Seriously, I think, is this really necessary? I can’t ever recall a time my parents sat down with me and did homework. As a matter of fact, my parents’ motto was that it wasn’t their homework; it was mine, therefore I needed to do it on my own. A task I didn’t follow through with regularly. 

Then again, I spent my teenage years hanging out with kids who knew all the alternative uses for glue. I begrudgingly remind myself that because of my negligence towards responsibility and my affinity for other amusements, I wasted most of my early adult years working crap jobs. I didn’t work my way back to college until I was in my mid-thirties. I know that I don’t want that future for my little guy.

“Take a deep breath,” I say (more for my benefit than his). Then I capture his little face in my hands and say, “you are the brightest crayon in the box, so we can do this……”