Monday, April 1, 2013

Have you met J.K. Kelley yet?

For this weeks post I thought I would share with you a Facebook post by J.K. Kelley. If you are not familiar with J.K. Kelley, allow me to have the pleasure of introducing you. 

J.K. is my editor extraordinaire. He is an odd mixture of crazy smart and incredibly funny, with a eccentric beard that might distract some from seeing his kind and compassionate heart.  My life experiences have made it difficult to earn my respect, so it isn’t a triviality when I inform you of his quality. 

His post touched me, not simply because I admire him, but also because he demonstrates true character. He openly shares what most of us might conceal. He doesn’t try to mask the mistakes of his past, but sees them as an obligation to make a stand and repair a fracture. 

He consistently makes me think and inspires me to do better. I hope he does the same for you...

If you wonder why I, traditionally not a big repeater of things or joiner of movements, have posted the marriage equality sign, know why:

I don't look down on anyone for not posting it. Such choices are intensely personal and no one should do such a thing solely under social pressure. I am heartened that many have. I think of every gay person I know who has been bullied over it, the way I was bullied in school just for being bright and socially awkward in a Cletus lumber town. How must they feel to see that now not only do they not stand alone, but there is an accumulated mass of people whose own lives marriage equality would not directly affect, yet who aren't afraid--who are proud, even--to be identified as standing with them. When I was being bullied, no one stood up for me, so I know what it's like to feel very alone and outgunned. I learned from that. I learned that I should do my small part to make sure others don't feel alone and outgunned. Zillions of red and pink equals signs have got to be giving tremendous heart to dozens of people I care about, and thousands I don't know but whom I wish to enjoy equality before the law. Plus, in my teens, I was just as homophobic as anyone else where I lived, and I was unkind to people who were suspected of being gay. I do not pardon myself for this for age or time elapsed; to emulate one's bullies is a terrible wrong done. I owe this for life, and I plan to keep paying. It is a debt I cannot discharge until the goal is won.
(March 26, 2013 on Facebook by J.K.Kelley)

If you want more of J.K., he has a blog @

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