Monday, June 24, 2013

Can We Have A Volunteer?

“…and we have a volunteer,” I announce as my teenager stands up. 

“Noooooo!” She groans and drops back onto the sofa. 

“…since your already up,” I ask, “would you please get me a nice warm fuzzy blanket? I’m a little cold.”

“First off, you and I both know that you're not really asking. And secondly, I did not volunteer!” 

“But of course you did,” I respond, “I was just about to ask if someone wanted to spoil their amazing mother and you jumped up. It’s proof that you and I are so closely connected that we are basically telepathic.” 

“Seriously?” She whines. “You do this all the time. You sit and wait, depriving yourself of whatever you think you need, until one of us gets up. Then you clap and say, ‘…and we have a volunteer.’ You're like that angler fish in Finding Nemo.” 

“Mom, what’s an angler fish?” my littlest interjects.

“She was the fish in Finding Nemo with the beautiful light that illuminates the darkness.” I smile to my little one, “Nemo and Dory were entranced by her beauty...” 

“I’m going to my room,” my girl harps. 

As she rises, I yell and clap “…and we have a volunteer. I still need that blankey.”

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