Monday, February 11, 2013

Has Anyone Seen My Ear Plugs?

           Please don’t judge me, it was a complete accident. I swear. I actually stumbled across it and once it happened. I just couldn’t seem to stop doing it. I already want to do it tomorrow. Stop it; you're making me feel guilty. Alright, I will start at the beginning…
            My husband snores. Oh, I don’t mean that cute little sound your husband might make as he’s dreaming his nighty-night dreams. It’s more of a catastrophic sound that makes you want to smother him with a pillow and try for an insanity defense. It is the kind of racket that shakes the walls. Even the dogs two houses over have been known to howl. I am not exaggerating when I say that previous neighbors have complained to landlords. I don’t blame them, if I didn’t love him I would move.
            So out of desperation I bought ear plugs and they were amazing. I bought nice soft ones in pretty colors and I think they may have saved my marriage. They certainly saved my husband’s life. I haven’t whacked him in the ribs since I started wearing my new bedtime accessory. I haven’t lodged myself against the wall and heaved with my feet until his coma-like body falls completely off the bed. I haven’t had to drag my pillow and blankie to the lumpy couch and suffer lower lumbar pain as well as sleep deprivation. I haven’t slugged my husband upon his bright-eyed wakefulness and left him wondering if I am on my period, yet again. 
            OK, OK. I’ll tell you what I did; I might-have-sorta-kinda left them in all day yesterday because as an added bonus, it might-have-sorta-kinda muted the kids too. Yes, I kinda feel bad. Hey, I already begged you to not judge me.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think anyone should judge you for wanting to sleep soundly when your husband snores that much. Ear plugs are truly amazing little devices that could eliminate loud noises and save your hearing. Well, in your case, it did save your marriage. By the way, haven't you thought that your husband's very loud snoring could be a sign of a health risk? I hope you'd see to that.
    Darren @ Ear Peace
